
Note To Self

Cover Image for Note To Self
Jesse Eisenbart
Jesse Eisenbart

This Week

Last night, I started reading Relentless by Tim S. Grover. It's been a breath of fresh air so far, and I'm enjoying it. Often, on this journey into the unconventional, I start to feel like I'm the crazy one. I start to think that they were right—maybe I should get a cozy six-figure 9-5, invest in ETFs, and eat vegetables. Then I read books like Relentless that remind me I'm on the right path.

I'm launching my next game, Blood Running, into early access on October 28th. I set a short deadline to force myself to finish the first version of the game. After my 3 month detour in April, I lost development momentum on the game but I'm slowly gaining it back.

Today marks the 2.5 week mark of living on my own in my new apartment. I like it so far, it's productive, I have no distractions and no excuses but myself for not reaching my goals. Sometimes it feels lonely, but solitutde builds charater and is necessary for new growth. I love my dad and apreciate the fact that he let me live with him for cheap, but I don't have good memories in that house. I felt like I was fighting an uphill battle living at home, like I was getting pulled down by my old identity and habits. In my apartment, I'm free to create a new self that is capabale of greatness.

The weather was shit today, so on the way home from the gym I picked up a cappucino from Starbucks to warm up. It reminded my of my trip to spain. I miss the weather and the people. The women are much prettier in Spain than in Canada, at least the city where I live. The women here are too masculine for my liking. They dress like men, talk men, and behave like men. It's the sad result of feminism and weak men. I pray for a time soon where the tides shift and men are able to shape women back into their feminine ways. This cycle seems to repeat itself as described in Hard Times Create Strong Men. I have a theory that the cycle is faster now due to social media and the rapid spread of ideas. It would be nice to live in a world of strong men and feminine women.

To The Future

This week I was reccomended a video by Jeff Logan. It's a video from his past self to his future self. He describes his current situation and his desire to be become a new person. After that part of the video, he shows a montage of his current life. Lambos, watches, jacked, beautiful wife and kids. It inspired me tp create this blog so I have a collection of my past to look back on. I'll probably upload some YouTube videos as well. I like the idea of having a corpus of my life for my kids, grandkids, and great grandkids to look back on.

This post serves as one of the first bricks in the foundation of my documented history. I'm not rich yet, I'm not free, I don't own a Porsche 911, my parent's aren't retired. But I will either get everything I want in life or spend my last breath trying.

I plan look back here in five years when I'm rich, jacked, and free to do whatever I want.


I like quotes, so I'll create an original one for each post.

Unconventianl outputs require unconventinal inputs: Think unconvential thoughts, do unconventional things, speak unconvential words, and you will find yourself living an unconvential life.